Stairways and Ladders – $9.95


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Stairways and Ladders Course Description

Working on and around stairways and ladders is hazardous. Stairways and ladders are major sources of injuries and fatalities among construction workers for example, and many of the injuries are serious enough to require time off the job. OSHA rules apply to all stairways and ladders used in construction, alteration, repair, painting, decorating and demolition of worksites covered by OSHA’s construction safety and health standards.

Open and Print First – Syllabus and Performance Eval – Stairways and Ladders

Required Material

Stairways & Ladders Presentation

Working Safely with Ladders Near Power Lines Video – 5:39 min

OSHA 3124 Stairways and Ladders

Stairways & Ladders OSHA Outreach

Ladders and Climbing Text

Hyperlinks for Course – Stairways and Ladders

Supplemental Material

OSHA 3660 Safe Use of Extension Ladders

OSHA 3662 Safe Use of Stepladders

Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 hours


Course Instructor

sitecontrol Author

Starirways and Ladders
